Thursday 21 February 2013

Vintage Brides

The past couple of weeks we have been preparing for one of life's eventualities, the passing of my 92 year old grandmother. Whilst the loss of a mother and grandmother is not without grief, the  joy of looking back on her life and through all her photos has been fascinating! Trying to work out who all the beautiful young people are in the photo's taken in her youth, but what I found much more exciting is all the wedding photographs! There’s just something about vintage wedding pictures that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. (Unfortunately I could not take any of the photos with me to scan them but I may try when I am back for the funeral next week!) 

1930's Bride
The different styles through the ages, lengths of veils, T bar shoes, teardrop bouquets, bridesmaids with long white gloves, strings of pearls and tiaras that one can only dream of being still in the family, right through to the 1980's big puff ball dress that I am sure my aunty loved on the day with her matching perm but one hopes laughs at  today! 

1945 Wedding in London
Whilst I handled these fragile, irreplaceable glimpses of my families history, it struck me how very important a photographer is at a wedding and how printing your wedding photos today could find them in the hands of your grandchildren and great grandchildren in the future. 
1970's wedding 
Vintage wedding photos are an inspiration in more ways than one. The fashion is something that cannot be ignored. In weddings today there is definitely a large trend towards use of vintage items – buttons, china, tablecloths – creating your own little piece of history .. not to mention the dress and headpiece designs that draw from vintage weddings inspiration.  Just type in 'Vintage bride'  to google and a wealth of images will pop up! 

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